Mclaren Menu Backround For CS 1.6

Mclaren Menu Backround For CS 1.6

This is a car menu background of cs 1.6,you can used this as a main menu background for your cs 1.6

Cars 2 Menu Backround For CS 1.6

Cars 2 Menu Backround For CS 1.6

This is a menu background for counter strike 1.6 cars menu background.

AK47 Map For Counter Strike

This is not the game.This is the war between terrorist and counter terrorist.Its all about mind

UCP Wall Hack For Counter Trike

Follow the following steps

1)First of all extract the file any where in the drive .
2)After that copy wallhack.dll file and paste it into your counter strike folder (not cstrike folder)
3)Now opne the installer lol.exe and launch your game(Cs) .
4) When your are in the game press alt+TAB
5)After this minimize your game and go to your extracted folder and open inx.exe 
6)you will see the black screen . Type in it "ucp.exe" without quotes and your are done :D

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Counter Strike 1.6 Final PC Full Game+With Bots+Maps+English.rar

This is Counter Strike 1.6 Final full setup.exe with full maps+bots.rar

Counter Strike 1.6 Setup.exe Full Version PC Game

                                                                              This is Counter Strike 1.6 Full_setup.exe with bots and zombie mod maps all the maps are install in it you dont have need to do any thing Now.Just run the setup and enjoy playing counter strike 1.6

Download CS LanT Updated 1.6 protocol 47+48 Client

This is a simple CS 1.6 client , that works on both protocols, 47 and 48. It is easy to install , doesn`t require much space (300 MB). The installer will create three shortcuts on your desktop: the main one, one for 47 protocol and one for 48. 

Counter Strike 1.6 Non Steam client work on both protocols (47 and 48). It is easy to modify (you can put skins, sounds, models). Changeable very simple protocol, opening the game shortcut corresponding to each protocol. Archive password is: (with the points).

How to patch the server for Non Steam users 47 and 48 protocol

In order to patch the server do these steps:
1) Download the CS 1.6 Non Steam 47+48 protocol patcher and unzzip it . Copy the files to your main directory (where hlds.exe is).
2) Open cstrike\server.cfg and add these lines:

Don`t forget to set the sv_lan 0 in server.cfg.

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How To Download And Install Hl-Booster In Counter Strike

Download  here The hl booster.rar , unzipp the file (directly in addons or copy the booster folder in HLDS\cstrike\addons, (HLDS is the directory where you have the server), then edit in HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini,the
line:win32 addons\hlbooster\dlls\booster_mm.dll. Very important!!!! In order to work, in the HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg you have to write the next line:

exec addons/hlbooster/hlbooster.cfg

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Counter Strike 1.6 Admin Creator

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Admin Creator

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Admin Creator
Click on the Download button below

Counter Strike 1.6 Limited Edition GUI

In this post you can Donload Counter Strike 1.6 Limited Edition GUI

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Limited Edition GUI
Clik on the Download button below

Counter Strike 1.6 Ping Reducer

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Ping Reducer

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Ping Reducer
Click on the Download button below
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Counter Strike 1.6 Background Changer

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Background Changer

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Background Changer
Click on the Download button below

Counter Strike 1.6 Console_Connector

1-Client Side Commands:
    ah 1Toggles Auto-Help (gives player hint messages throught the game) - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'. cl_observercrosshair 1 Set to '1' to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, '0' to disable.
    dm 1
    Toggles displaying of map briefings after loading a new map - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    cl_hidefrags 0
    Toggles hiding everyone else's scores except your own - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    This turns the radar on
    fastsprites 0
    Sets the complexity of the smoke sprites for the smoke grenade - The range is 0-2, with 0 looking the most like actual smoke
    This turns the radar off
    hud_centerid 0
    Toggles the centering of the auto-ID text - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    lefthand 0
    Toggles the use of holding weapons in left hand - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    Lists the maps available on the server that the client can vote for - the server admin specifies which maps get listed by editing the mapcycle.txt file.
    max_shells 300
    Sets the number of shells visible at one time (0-500)
    max_smokepuffs 300
    Sets the number of smoke puffs visible at one time (0-500)
    Bind this to a key to toggle the use of the night vision goggles
    rate 2500
    Sets how much data/information you receive from the server that you are connected to - for a 14.4 connection, set your rate to 1500 - 33.6k connection use 3000 - 56k modem use 3500 - ISDN should be 5000 - all connections faster than that should be between 5000 and 9999
    setinfo vgui_menus 1
    Toggles the VGUI menu - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    States how much time is left on the particular map
    Allows the client to vote for a particular map

2-Server Side Commands:

These are commands for people running their own Counter-Strike server.

    mp_autokick 1
    Toggles automatic team-killer banning and kicking of idle clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_autoteambalance 1
    Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_c4timer 45
    Sets the amount of time in between C4 placement and its explosion - ranges between 15 and 90 seconds.
    mp_flashlight 1
    Toggles the use of flashlights by clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_footsteps 1
    Toggles footstep sounds - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_forcechasecam 0
    Toggles the chasecam to follow teammates only - useful for LAN games - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_freezetime 6 
    Sets the amount of "freeze" time at the beginning of each round to buy weapons and equipment - Use a setting of '0' to disable
    mp_friendlyfire 0
    Toggles friendly fire - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_hostagepenalty 2
    Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before they are booted from the server - Setting this to '0' turns the function off
    mp_limitteams 2
    Sets the maximum number of players that one team can have more than the other team - Use a setting of '0' to completely disable the team limiting.
    mp_logmessages 1
    Toggles logging of chat messages in the log files - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    mp_mapvoteratio 0.6
    Set the ratio of players required to vote on the same map before a map will change. The default is 0.6 , which means that 60% of the players on a server must vote on the same map in order for the server to change to that map. The range is 0.0-1.0
    mp_roundtime 5
    Sets the maximum amount of time for each round - ranges between 3 and 15 minutes
    mp_timelimit 0
    Sets the maximum amount of time in minutes between map rotations
    mp_tkpunish 1
    Toggles the forcing of a player to sit out the next round if he has just killed a teammate - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
    sv_restartround 0
    Sets the amount of time before resetting the game, including frags, weapons, money, and scores - Use setting of '0' to disable these restarts.
Amx Modx Commands (All Commands)


amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] - Kicks a player from the server.
amx_ban <name or #userid> [reason] - Bans a player from the server.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] - Adds a user to the list of banned from the server.
amx_unban <authid or ip> - Forgive a player banned from this server.
amx_slay <name or #userid> - Give a slap to a player.
amx_slap #userid> <name or [damage] - Slaps a player for variable damage.
amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] - Kicks all players who do not have these tags on the server.
amx_pause - Pause or resume the game.
amx_who - Displays who is on the server.
amx_cvar <cvar> [value] - Changes or displays a cvar value.
amx_map <nomedomapa> - Changes the map.
amx_cfg <fileName> - Execute a configuration file.
amx_rcon <rcon command> - Execute a command on the server.
amx_plugins - Lists all loaded plugins.
amx_modules - Lists all loaded modules.

Chat Commands

amx_say <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_chat <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - Send a private message to the player.
amx_tsay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players in the left corner.
amx_csay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players at the center.

Commands Vote:

amx_votekick <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to expel a player.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to ban a player.
amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> - Starts a vote either.
amx_cancelvote - Calcela the last poll in progress.

[Control Of Statistics]

/ Hp - Displays information about the player that killed him.
/ Statsme - Displays your stats.
/ Stats - Displays other players stats.
/ Top15 - Shows the top15 server.
/ Rank - Displays your rank on the server.

[Say Commands]

nextmap - Displays the next map being played.
timeleft - displays the time remaining on the map.
thetime - displays the current time.

[Commands Menu]

amxmodmenu - Displays the main AMX Mod X menu.
amx_cvarmenu - Displays the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenu - Displays the map change menu.
amx_votemapmenu - Displays the map voting menu.
amx_kickmenu - Displays the kick menu.
amx_banmenu - Displays a menu of BAN.
amx_slapmenu - Displays a menu slap /.
amx_teammenu - Displays the team switch menu.
amx_clcmdmenu - Displays the client commands menu.
amx_restmenu - Displays the weapons restrictions menu.
amx_teleportmenu - Displays the teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenu - Pause / Resume plugins.
amx_statscfgmenu - Displays the settings menu of statistics.

Admin Mod Commands:

[Primary Controls]

admin_help - help commands are listed. It can be used to list all possible commands and also for more detailed description of the desired command.

admin_version - Information AdminMod and lists the plugins that are installed.

admin_status - Shows the level of user access to the console.

admin_login - Allows users to log in with your password, granting access to admin if the user is registered as the Admin Server.

admin_password - Works the same way that admin_login, or is an alternative way to log into the server as Admin.

ADMIN_CMD - Allows use of normal console commands. Ex: admin_command sv_restartround time / s.

[General Commands]

admin_abort_vote - Aborts a vote that is in progress.

admin_autokick <0 or 1> - mp_autokick on or off. 512 level is required for any change is made.

admin_autoteambalance <0 or 1> - Sets the mp_autoteambalance. 512 level is required for any change is made.

admin_ban <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.> - Bans the user. Time 0 means permanent ban.

admin_banip <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.>: - Bans a user by ip address. Time 0 means permanent ban.

admin_bury <user> - "bury" the specified user.

admin_buytime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_buytime. 512 level is required for any change is made.

admin_cancelvote - Cancel the vote that is in progress.

admin_cfg File> conficuração> - Execute Server configuration files.

admin_chat <message> - Comments restricted to admins only.

admin_chattime <#> - Sets the mp_chattime.

admin_consistency <#> - Sets the mp_consistency.

admin_csay [Color English] <message> - Messages in the center of the screen.

admin_ct <user> - Pass the user to the Counter-Terrorist team.

admin_c4timer <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_c4timer.

admin_denymap <mapa> - Remove all votes for a map.

admin_disco - Players change color according to the weather.

admin_dmesg <identificação> <userid> usuário> <message> - Message sent to the user specified.

admin_execall <command> - Force all users to run the specified command.

admin_execclient <user> <command> - Forces the user to run the specified command.

admin_execteam <equipe> <command> - Force team (CT or RT) to run the specified command.

admin_fadetoblack <0 or 1> - mp_fadetoblack on or off.

admin_flashlight <0 or 1> - mp_flashlight on or off.

admin_footsteps <0 or 1> - mp_footsteps on or off.

admin_forcecamera <#> - Sets the mp_forcecamera.

admin_forcechasecam <#> - Sets the mp_forcechasecam.

admin_fraglimit <value> - Adjusts mp_fraglimit Server.

admin_freezetime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_freezetime.

admin_friendlyfire <1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled> - Sets the mp_friendlyfire Server.

admin_fun <"on" | "off"> - Fun mode.

admin_gag <user> <tempo/min.> - Mutes the user. Time 0 means the user permanently mute.

admin_ghostfrequency <#> - Sets the mp_ghostfrequency.

admin_glow <cor in inglês> <"on" | "off"> - lets you color.

admin_godmode <user> <"on" | "off"> - sets the mood of invincibility to the specified user.

admin_gravity <value> - Adjusts sv_gravity Server.

admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the hostname of the server name.

admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the hostname of the server name.

admin_hpenalty <#> - Sets the mp_hostagepenalty.

admin_kick <user> <reason> - Kick the specified user.

admin_kickpercent <#> - Sets the mp_kickpercent.

admin_llama <user> - Change the user name to Llama.

admin_listmaps - List the maps contained in mapcycle.

admin_listspawn - List all items of the server.

admin_map <mapa> - Changes the map.

admin_mapvoteratio <#> - Sets the mp_mapvoteratio.

admin_maxrounds <#> - Sets the mp_maxrounds.

admin_messagemode <command> - Sets which command message that will be executed when pressing "Y" is used.

admin_movespawn <item> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo> - Moves the item to the specified location.

admin_nextmap - Shows what the next map.

admin_noclip <user> <"on" | "off"> - sets the mood "without barriers" to the user specified.

admin_nomessagemode - Turn the key "Y" to their original function.

admin_nopass - Remove the password from the server.

admin_pass <password> - Sets the password server.

admin_pause - Pauses the server.

admin_playerid <#> - Sets the mp_playerid.

admin_psay <user> <message> - Send a private message to the specified user.

admin_rcon <command> - Execute rcon commands.

admin_reload - Reloads files from AdminMod.

admin_removespawn <item> - Removes an item from the site.

admin_restartround - Restarts the game.

admin_restart - Restarts the game.

admin_restrict - View / Configure / Save the restricted weapons. Everyone can see the restrictions.

admin_restrictmenu - Changes the weapon restriction menu. Requires that the menu is enabled.

admin_roundtime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_roundtime.

admin_say <message> - Send a message identifying it as admin.

admin_servercfg <configuration file> - Sets what the default configuration file server.

admin_slap <user> - Knock on the user. Each execution of the command implies the loss of 5 life.

admin_slay <user> - Kill the user.

admin_slayteam <equipe> - Kills the specified time.

admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo>: - Creates a new item.

admin_ssay <message> - Send admin message but without identification.

admin_stack - Does everyone get over you.

admin_startmoney <800/16000> - Sets the mp_startmoney.

admin_startvote - Starts a vote.

admin_t <user> - Pass the user to the Terrorist team.

admin_teamplay <teamplay> - Adjusts mp_teamplay Server.

admin_teleport <user> <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports the user to the specified coordinates.

admin_timelimit <tempo/min> - Adjusts mp_timelimit Server.

admin_tkpunish: <1 or 0> - mp_tkpunish on or off.

admin_tsay [color English] <message> - Sends a message in the left corner of the screen.

admin_unban <WONID or IP> - Unban the user specified.

admin_unbury <user> - Dig the specified user.

admin_ungag <user> - unmute the user.

admin_unllama <user> - Removes the user's status Llama.

admin_unpause - Unpause Server.

admin_unrestrict - Remove restrictions on weapons.

admin_userlist <name> - Shows the list of users.

admin_userorigin <user> - Returns the coordinates X, Y, Z.

admin_vote_kick <user> - Starts a vote to kick the user specified.

admin_vote_map <mapa> - Starts a vote to change map.

admin_vote_restart - Starts a vote for the resumption of the game.

admin_vsay <message> - Starts a vote on the matter given in the message.

admin_winlimit <#> - Sets the mp_winlimit.

currentMap say - which will indicate the name of the current map.

nextmap say - Indicates what the next map.

say timeleft - Check the time remaining on the map.

glow <cor say in English | "off"> - Lets the user colorful. Works only with how Fun enabled.

Counter Strike 1.6 Tourney Master For Counter Strike Ful Version

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Tourney Master

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Counter Strike 1.6 Colour Shocker

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Colour Shocker

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Colour Shocker
Click on the Download button below

Counter Strike 1.6 Master Server.vdf

In this post you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Master Server.vdf

To Download Counter Strike 1.6 Master Server.vdf
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